Frequently Asked Questions

What is Twisted Fiction?

We are a monthly book box that specializes in special edition hardcover books. Genres include Dark, Taboo, Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance.

Can I cancel my order?

Preorders cannot be canceled; all preorder sales are final. Please be aware: Filing a chargeback or claim will result in the cancellation of all your orders and a ban from our website.

Do you accept returns or exchanges?

All sales are final. Damaged and defective items are the only exception.

My box was lost/stolen what should I do?

We are not responsible for lost or stolen packages. In case of a lost or stolen package, it is recommended to immediately contact the postal service provider for further instructions.

My Item is damaged?

Please inspect your order upon arrival. Any claims for damaged or missing items must be submitted within 7 days of delivery.

What does qualify as damaged:
-Severely dented/crushed corners
-Broken or crushed spine
-Deep very noticeable scratches on the cover/spine.
-Ripped or bent pages that affect the readability of the book.

What does not qualify as damaged:
-Light scratches
-Small dings/dents
-Slightly dented corners
-Wavy pages

All damage and missing item claims are reviewed on a case by case basis. Proof of purchase and damages are required.

All items must be returned before a replacement is sent. We'll provide a return shipping label via email as a one-time courtesy. If you can't print and use the label, you'll be responsible for the return shipping cost.

Email us at Support@TwistedFictionBooks.com

Do you ship Internationally?

Absolutely, we do! International shipping rates are determined by the carriers. Unfortunately, we cannot control those costs.

Please be aware that as the buyer, you are responsible for any import fees, VAT fees, conversion fees. Declining the package for these charges will not result in a refund from us.

Why is it taking so long for my order to ship?

All book boxes are currently pre order only. Your order may take up to 12-14 weeks to ship.

To check shipping status of all boxes please refer to shipping updates .

Once your label is printed, you will receive an email with tracking. Allow up to a week for the tracking to update. If no update after 2 weeks, contact us via email so we can look into it.

What are the accepted forms of payment?

We accept all major credit and debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Shop Pay. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept PayPal at this time

My package was returned to sender?

In the circumstance where the package is sent back to us after the customer is notified by the post office to pickup, the customer will be responsible for the expenses associated with reshipment. Refunds will not be provided.

I refused my package. Will I get a refund?

No, refunds will not be provided for declined packages.

Do you hold packages?

Sorry, but we are unable to hold packages.

Can I change my address?

Yes, we can update your address if the label hasn't been printed. Unfortunately, once the label is printed, we can't make any changes.